Both Google and Facebook ( FB), run by the geekiest and nerdiest of men, are clearly out of their element when faced with how to address the female customer. 谷歌和Facebook皆是由世界上最令人生厌,最具书呆子气的男性掌舵,面对如何跟女性用户打交道这个问题时,它们显然会非常不适应。
With this extra element, you can specify the CSS selectors that address only the elements in this scope. 使用额外的元素,您可以指定仅处理该范围中的元素的CSS选择器。
Using data accessible from node "$ c"( which we'll explain shortly), DB2 will navigate through the" Client "element to its" Address "sub-element to inspect zip code(" zip" values). 通过使用可以从节点“$c”(稍后将会解释)访问的数据,DB2将从“Client”元素中找到它的子元素“Address”,以便检查邮政编码(“zip”值)。
This time, you just have a reference element that is wired to the service you have exposed as an Axis2C Web service using the specified address. 其中仅包含一个reference元素,使用指定的地址连接到作为Axis2CWeb服务公开的服务。
The "to" element of the option hash is mapped to the address location of the service. 选项散列的“to”元素将映射到服务的地址位置。
Note that the Placemark element is actually an array of Placemarks, as multiple Placemarks might correspond to an address. 请注意,Placemark元素实际上是一个Placemarks数组,可能有多个Placemark对应一个地址。
As this XPath expression tests each listing element in the document, it calls the key with the address of the currently-tested listing. 该Xpath表达式测试文档中的每个列表元素,使用当前测试的列表的地址调用键。
The service element associates an address for the Web service with a specific interface and binding. service元素将Web服务的地址与特定的接口和绑定相关联。
If the error() method indicates that the problem is related to the contact-info or email element, you've potentially lost that e-mail address text data. 如果error()方法表示出现的问题与contact-info或email元素有关,您可能会丢失邮件地址文本数据。
Suppose that you want to mark up each email address using an a ( anchor) element to enable a link to the email address, which in HTML would allow a user to click the address to send an email to it. 假设您希望使用a(锚)元素标记每个电子邮件地址,从而实现电子邮件地址的链接,该链接采用HTML表示,允许用户通过单击地址来向其发送电子邮件。
So the= 1 tests that the result of this union only contains one element, meaning that the currently-tested element is the first one in the document with its address. 因此,用来测试并集结果的=1表达式只包括一个元素,这意味着当前测试的元素是包含地址的文档中的第一个元素。
For example, in my model, I have a CountyCode property that is semantically equivalent to the NIEM abstract element nc: LocationCounty that appears inside an address. 例如,在我的模型中,我有一个CountyCode属性,它在语义上等价于出现在地址中的NIEM抽象元素nc:LocationCounty。
The particular resource within a subarea that is identified by an element address. 由单元地址标识的子区域中的特定资源。
Similarly, when you retrieve an element from a list, you're really getting the address of the embedded linking field. 类似的,当你从一个列表重新得到一个元素的时候,你实际上得到了这个内含耦合域的地址。
When the value of an element ( an address, for example) changes, the single database copy is corrected. If you press Cancel, this directory will not get moved and you will not be able to access your old data files. 要求存取这些数据元素的任何一个程序都能得到同样的值。如果按“取消”,则将不移动此目录,那样您就无法访问旧的数据文件。
Through analyzing the characteristics of modular fixture, exact placement technology of element for modular fixture assembly design in VE is presented to address the limitations of the existing approaches such as low efficiency of constraint recognition and inconvenience of treatment. 针对现有虚拟装配定位方法存在约束识别效率不高和处理不方便的问题,通过分析组合夹具的特点,研究了虚拟环境下进行组合夹具组装的元件精确定位技术。
Local autonomy element size computation method based on local front searching is proposed to address the definition problem of the node spacing function; 针对单元尺寸函数定义问题,提出基于邻接前沿搜索的局部自主单元尺寸计算方法;
Design and implementation of a shared buffer based ATM switching element with simple address management 使用简单地址管理方式基于共享存储器的ATM交换结构的原理与实现
However, the application of finite element structural analysis techniques and virtual prototyping technology has provided the powerful tools and means to address these concerns. 而现在有限元结构分析技术和虚拟样机技术应用的发展为解决这些问题提供了强有力的工具和手段。
Skin effect in view of their own areas are electromagnetic fields through the electromagnetic field finite element method to calculate the rotor skin effect be guided to address the above problems. 鉴于集肤效应本身属于电磁场的范畴,通过电磁场有限元法计算转子导条集肤效应可解决上述难题。